Well, this is my first attempt at adding to this weblog, so I can’t make any guarantees about how it turns out 🙂 Thngs have been pretty crazy here with lots of substitute teaching opportunities for John, and lots of Toys R Us night shifts…but, we’re hanging in there and getting excited for the events coming up for the ministry. We have the bake sale this Friday at Monaca Wal-mart – a big thanks to everyone helping out with baked goods – pray we sell lots as people are getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Then, the following week, we have our Turkey & Stuffing Volleyball Tournament at Unionville UMC. We are excited for that – 4 youth groups so far – should be lots of fun!!
The kids and I are doing pretty well, too. Tyler & Renae are a lot of fun – they keep me hopping (and I think my hopping is extra slow being pregnant:) – or they are just extra fast:))
Well, hopefully I did this right – thanks y’all – we are blessed!!!